September's news from Councillor Neil Ross

Here is my latest email newsletter issued yesterday.
It covers
- Braid Road & Spaces for People ETROs
- Short Term Lets
- Morningside Play Park
- New 20mph speed limits
- B2 Parking – how to request an additional parking bay
- What I’ve been up to at the Council - Questions on energy efficiency & action on EV charging points
- Fountainbridge Canalside Community Trust
Braid Road & Spaces for People ETROs
Council officers have confirmed that the one-way section of Braid Road will re-open to two way traffic on 18 November. The Council has also decided to take all the Spaces for People projects forward with experimental traffic regulation orders (ETROs). Lib Dem councillors supported a Labour compromise proposal, which included a community workshop for local residents and councillors to consider a more clearly defined cycle route between Greenbank and the Meadows. However, because Conservative councillors chose to abstain, this proposal was lost and all ETROs will now proceed. This should mean a formal six month consultation period. I will issue a further update when I have more details.
Short Term Lets
Good news! The Council’s Regulatory Committee, which I chair, has introduced a licensing policy for short term lets. It raises the bar for short-term letting with new safety standards and conditions. It also includes a presumption against granting a licence for the short-term secondary letting of entire flats in tenements and shared access property in response to residents’ concerns about noise and anti-social behaviour. This means a landlord must make a good case or he won’t get a licence. More information is available here.
The Council has also introduced a short term let planning control area for the entire city, which means almost all short term lets will need planning permission. The Council is seeking views on its short term let Planning guidance. The consultation can be found here.
Morningside Play Park
Following an announcement earlier this year, the Council has experienced a long delay in delivery of play equipment for Morningside Play Park. However, the good news is the new play equipment has been delivered and I understand the contractor is aiming to start installation now or early October.
20mph roads
The Council has said that the speed limit on Cluny Gardens and Greenbank Crescent is expected to become 20mph sometime this autumn. Proposals have been made to reduce the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on part of Colinton Road, the remaining part of Polwarth Terrace and on Greenbank Drive/Glenlockhart Road. A consultation is expected later this year. You can read more at item 8.1 on the Council meeting agenda here.
B2 Parking – how to request an additional parking bay
The new priority parking bays in south Morningside are now operational. Requests for additional bays can be made by email to Any new bays will require a traffic regulation order, which can take 12 to 18 months to process.
What I’ve been up to recently at the Council
I am keen to encourage the Council to cut its carbon emissions and save money so have been asking questions on energy efficiency (items 10.9 and 10.10 in the Questions & Answers pdf here). I also want the Council to listen to suggestions from residents and businesses on possible locations of more public EV charging points so I tabled a motion for debate at a recent Council meeting. It was slightly amended and added to but then agreed by all councillors. The text of the motion is item 8.3 on the agenda here. You can also read more about it here.
Fountainbridge Canalside Community Trust
The Fountainbridge Canalside Community Trust has been running a programme of local activities over the summer and early autumn on their canal boat the Lochrin Belle, including afternoon teas, gin cruises and trips to mark special days. Find out more and become a member via their website here.
If you know anyone else who might be interested to read this, please feel free to forward it. If you have received this via a friend, and would like to receive it direct, please contact me on and ask to be added to my circulation list.
If you would like my help on a Council matter, please contact me either by email at or by telephone on 07738 116055.
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Best wishes
Councillor Neil Ross
Liberal Democrat Councillor for Morningside Ward
Contact me to arrange a meeting at a time and place that suits you.
Published and promoted by Neil Ross (Scottish Liberal Democrats) at 4 Grange Road, Edinburgh EH9 1UH.