Update on potential parking permits in Bonnington and Albion Road

Residents have writtenn to Councillor Caldwell with concerns about the knock-on impacts on the boundaries of the new Controlled Parking Zones in Leith in summer 2023.
As such, options are being looked at to mitigate the large amount of vehciles parked at the boundaries.
The Council has published a timeline of when they'll be deciding and reviewing what happens at Bonnington and Albion Road, which can be found under 'Phase 2' at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/parking/strategic-parking-review-1/2
Councillor Caldwell has been liaising with local residents regarding their views on expanding the Controlled Parking Zone and will continue to represent their concerns to the Council.
Additionally, he asked the following series of questions to the Transport and Environment Convenor on Thursday 9th May 2024, which should help give clarity:
- Question 1
Does the Convenor agree that in order for Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ) to succeed in both managing parking and contributing to a net-reduction in emissions, dialoguewith residents both before and during implementation is a vital exercise?
- Answer 1
Yes, engagement is, and will continue to be, a key part of the process of introducing new parking controls, whether CPZ or Priority Parking Areas. Each of the current four proposed phases of the Strategic Review of Parking have involved extensive informal consultation, where feedback was sought from residents and businesses prior to authority being sought from Committee to proceed to legal process. The legal process itself involves further formal public consultation, where any person interested or potentially affected by the proposals can raise their concerns via the objection process, with such feedback being fully considered before further decisions are taken.
- Question 2
In preparation of Phase 2, how many onsite meetings have officials attended with residents and/or residents associations since the initial consultation in 2021 in the following areas:
a) Bonnington
b) Easter Road, Lochend / Ryehill (named “West Leith” in materials)
c) Willowbrae
d) The A8 corridor
- Answer 2
Phase 2 remains on hold, as per the decision of the Transport and Environment Committee at its meeting of 19 August 2021. That decision required consideration to be given to the results of the planned Phase 1 monitoring, with a further commitment to engage with Community Councils
and other groups representing residents within the Phase 2 areas. With Phase 2 on hold, Phase 1 implementation completed in late 2023 and monitoring surveys completed in March 2024, no meetings or discussions have taken place. The agreed engagement will be led by the results of the monitoring surveys.
A report on the outcome of those surveys will be considered by the Transport and Environment Committee in June 2024. Depending on the results of those surveys, engagement will then take place with Community Councils and other resident groups. The outcome of that engagement will be reported to
a future meeting of the Transport and Environment Committee so that a decision can be taken on the future of Phase 2.
- Question 3
And would such meetings with residents be part of any engagement process outlined in the ‘Phase 2 Indicative Timescale’ in Q3 2024?
- Answer 3
The timescale referred to allows for a “Review Phase 2 proposals” element and the accompanying note confirms that this will include engagement, as per Committee decisions. The timescale also includes a report to Transport and Environment Committee in Q4 of 2024 where the results of that engagement will be considered.