Response to Eyre Place student housing development

Councillor Jack Caldwell has taken on-board concerns from constituents in Canonmills about the proposed development, and as such has written an objection.
The development will go before the non-party-political Development Sub-Committee in the coming months.
"I am concerned about the loss of small industrial units across North East Edinburgh as a whole. The 2016 Local Development Plan has noted that "North Edinburgh has seen 40 years of decline in industrial activity". I recognise this primarily may be referring to the far north of Edinburgh, but believe the remaining small industrial and industrial-commercial units around Canonmills, Stockbridge and Broughton are still staples of our communities and local economies. A key aim overall of the 2016 LDP was to "protect a range of existing business and industrial sites and premises". This site would be better suited to ensure
Retaining industrial-commercial units, such as these, is key to our 20-minute neighbourhoods strategy, which is a foundation of both the draft 2030 City Plan and creating and nurturing sustainable and diverse communities.
Like many residents, I recognise the existing high capacity of student-led development across both the wider area and Edinburgh as a whole and have concerns that there are less stringent consideration for amenity when it comes to services such as transport and GPs, but also recognise that Scottish Government Planning regulations do not allow much of this to be considered in formal planning consultations.
I am being careful in this objection not to highlight any immediate concerns or merits for the streets directly impacted in the Inverleith ward. As a councillor for a neighbouring ward (Leith Walk), I am writing in the context of the impact for residents in Canonmills and housing more widely in Edinburgh."
Councillor Caldwell has previously objected to the proposed student development in Leith near 139 Leith Walk which is also to come before committee citing;
"Although there are positive proposals in the plan such as active travel connections between the two streets, I believe hundreds more student flats is wholly unsuitable in an area with such a high density and the complete absence of social-rent and very low level of affordable housing is in direct conflict with the Council's 'Halmyre Street Place Brief' which cites a need for both on the site."