Powderhall (St Mark's Park) housing site progress

Recent developments have occured for new housing, arts studios, a nursery and a retirement home at the site.
Housing update
In September 2023, stage one of the Powderhall Housing-Led Regeneration Capital Grant Fund bid was successful. The Council subsequently made stage two bids for the project. Final decisions on the bids were expected in early 2024, but in December, the Council was notified by the Scottish Government that the fund had been paused. As a result, the department do not anticipate any awards being made for 2024/25.
This is incredibly disappointing news and another implication of Scottish Government's Affordable Housing Programme cuts. While the affordable and social-rent housing has hit another snag, there are other elements to the project.
Lastly, plans for 106 affordable flats have just been uploaded to the Planning Portal. Subsequently, plans for a further 125 flats have also been submitted for planning permission.
Councillor Caldwell met with the team in March and they have committed to updating the Council web page at edinburgh.gov.uk/area-regeneration/powderhall-regeneration.
Stables / Art Studios
The old Powderhall Stables are due to be used as arts studios.
Last year, the Council voted to start a lease with Out of the Blue Arts and Education Trust. The delay to the opening is primarily due to issues in getting water, sewage and power to the site.
These issues started to be resolved in January and works have commenced getting the utilities in.
Although this has been a long process, and although there is no confirmed opening date, things are finally starting to move in the right direction. A tendering process is underway and it is hoped that the studios will be able to be let later this year.
Current bowling green
Many residents have asked why the bowling green has been fenced off. This is largely because the old pavillion is unsafe, and holes have emerged in the greens.
Better walking and cycling
Funding has been secured to widen the current path that runs between the old Waste Transfer Station and the bowling greens.
Additionally, funding is being sought for the Broughton Road / McDonald Road junction upgrade.