May 2023 news from Councillor Neil Ross

May news
- 41 Bus replaced by Number 9
- Road Safety issues on Canaan Lane
- Warrender Baths to re-open at last!
- Parking dispensations under threat
- Braidburn Terrace delay
- Plans for new Public Toilets for the Meadows, Inverleith Park & Leith Links
- Spaces for People ETRO Consultation to be re-run
41 Bus replaced by Number 9
Lothian Buses have announced changes to lots of services from 28 May. Full details are available here. A big change is to withdraw the number 41 and replace it with a new service number 9. The service will run from Muirhouse to King’s Buildings but, instead of George IV Bridge, it will take a different route through the city centre to North Bridge then via Nicholson Square, Causewayside and Marchmont.
Road Safety issues on Canaan Lane
Following the end of the temporary closure at the west end of Canaan Lane, the road has reverted to one-way east to west plus the cycle lane. Parents at the primary schools have raised concerns about road safety at drop-off and pick-up times, so ward councillors have pressed for action. When the new school was being planned, I asked about a ‘school streets’ scheme to address road safety concerns. Let me know what you think.
Warrender Baths to re-open at last!
Good news! Warrender baths are to re-open next Tuesday 23rd May. More about this here. There’s also to be a locally organised celebratory street party outside the Baths on Sunday 28th May from 9.00 am till 1.00 pm.
Parking dispensations under threat
Recently the Council announced at short notice the withdrawal of all parking permit dispensations, including long-standing arrangements at the borders of parking zones, where demand far outstrips supply, and the temporary arrangement to allow permit parking in ‘Pay and Display’ bays. I joined other councillors to query this so the dispensations will continue until a report is presented to the next Transport Committee on 15 June.
Braidburn Terrace delay
The planned scheme for Braidburn Terrace, and presumably Braid Crescent, has been delayed till later this year, because the required traffic and redetermination orders are not yet in place. This is hugely disappointing. I understand the Council is developing a two-phase approach, to take account of procedural timescales, so changes to the street might be made before the junctions. I have asked (again) for a simplified plan to be posted onto the Council website.
Plans for new Public Toilets for the Meadows, Inverleith Park & Leith Links
The Council last week agreed a report on improvements to the city’s parks and greenspaces, including plans for upgrades to paths and lighting and new public toilets for the Meadows, Inverleith Park & Leith Links. These improvements are to be funded by an extra £3m from the approved Lib Dem budget. The report is 7.5 on the agenda here.
Spaces for People ETRO consultation to be re-run
Council officers have discovered minor errors in the Spaces for People ETROs which will require the consultation to be re-run. This is beyond annoying but I would urge residents to resubmit their comments once the new process starts, likely to be 26 May. Look out for details here.
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