June 2023 news from Councillor Neil Ross

June news
- Bin Hub proposals for South Morningside and Zone 8
- Canaan Lane School Streets plan
- Controlled Parking zone dispensations reprieve
- Consultations on HMOs & the Union Canal
- Homeowner Retrofit Survey
- Planning application for 21 Napier Road
Bin Hub proposals for South Morningside and Zone 8
The Council has advertised its plans for communal bin hubs in the South Morningside and Zone 8 areas. A standard bin hub is a collection of two black waste bins, two green recycling bins, one food waste bin and one glass recycling bin. Details of the proposed locations are contained in maps available on the Council’s website here. The Council is hosting bin hub information events – details are here.
Any comments should be sent to waste@edinburgh.gov.uk by 16 July 2023.
Canaan Lane School Streets plan
Following a meeting of Council Road Safety officers with ward councillors and the Transport Convener, plans are being drawn up for a School Street scheme on a trial basis for the section of Canaan Lane outside the new Primary School. I understand the trial will include engagement with local residents and the four nearby schools: Canaan Lane, St Peter’s, South Morningside and the Royal Blind School. More details will follow.
Controlled Parking zone dispensations reprieve
Council officers recently proposed the removal of all parking dispensations, which allow residents, living near the border with adjacent parking zones, to park their vehicles in the neighbouring zone, e.g. for zone 7 and S2 and for zone 8 and S3. Lib Dem councillors successfully requested a reprieve, at least until the draft 2023-2030 Parking Action Plan is considered. The draft plan does not include the removal of these dispensations and is currently out for consultation till 9 July. It can be found here.
Council consultations on HMOs & the Union Canal
Following my push to improve HMO standards and encourage best practice, the Council has launched a consultation on an HMO Best Practice Guide. It covers disposal of refuse, maintenance of property and impact on neighbours. However, it could also include improved neighbour notification of HMO licence applications, enhanced contact details, e.g. a telephone number and email address of a named individual being provided to neighbouring residents, and better compliance with Council Waste policies by subcontractors acting on behalf of a landlord. I asked for these additions but they were omitted from the draft guide in error. The consultation can be found here and comments can be made until 10 August.
The Council and Scottish Canals are currently consulting on an update to their strategy, originally agreed in 2011. The consultation is available here and comments can be made till 17 July.
Homeowner Retrofit Survey
The Edinburgh Building and Retrofit Collective is inviting home owners to participate in a survey so they can better understand how residents across Edinburgh feel about the challenges of retrofit. It runs till 15 July and is available here.
Planning application for a new church at 21 Napier Road
Plans have been submitted for a new church along with accommodation in the garden grounds of 21 Napier Road with access onto Polwarth Terrace. The plans can be viewed via the Council’s Planning portal here. The reference number is 23/02004/AMC and the deadline for comments is Friday 30 June.
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