Montgomery Street Park Helter Skelter future in doubt

The temporary closure of the helter skelter in Montgomery Street Park has distressed a number of (younger) residents while it's remained closed for the safety assessment. The Friends Of Montgomery Street Park have been a force of nature trying to save it.
However, the Council should not be relying on goodwill of residents. As it's the last standing helter-skelter in Edinburgh, every effort must be made to find a way forward, where technically possible, and I will continue liaising with ward colleagues and partners. Cllr Jack Caldwell presented the following Motion to the Council's Culture and Communities committee;
“Committee notes: 1) The Helter Skelter in the Montgomery Street playpark is the last standing Council-owned public Helter Skelter in Edinburgh and has been fenced off for a number of months. 2) The Helter Skelter is a meaningful piece of equipment, not just to residents in Hillside, but children across the city who have visited the park and ridden down it as a rite-of-passage. 3) The Helter Skelter was closed and previously marked for demolition before the Friends group liaised with Parks. The Helter Skelter cannot be replaced as they are not made any more and new models are generally not insured, but repairs may allow the current insurance to continue. 4) That the Friends of Montgomery Street Park have worked alongside the North East Parks team, liaised with local councillors, and explored options for an onsite safety assessment, which was due to start in July, as of writing. Committee therefore requests; 5) The Culture and Communities Convener liaise with Officers and the Friends of Montgomery Street Park to explore and identify funding options for the assessment, which will need to be paid for whether the Helter Skelter is able to be rescued or not after said assessment. 6) The Convener reports back regarding funding to the Culture & Communities Business Bulletin in one cycle.”