Caldwell lists needed Leith Walk and Elm Row pedestrian improvements

The Council are compiling an "ultimate list" of outstanding issues along Leith Walk, and Councillor Caldwell has continued to engage with Council officers about 77 outstanding issues either constituents have raised or he's identifed such as loose pavements or green-man waiting times.
You may have noticed new bike racks down Leith Walk this week too. The wider Elm Row works should begin in the coming months and Dalmeny Street's "continuous footway" crossing is now being monitored and reassed by the Council.
Additionally, Councillor Caldwell and the Lib Dems have also been a none-to-rare visitor to the Transport and Environment committee over 2024 and got cross party support for the following actions;
- Assess re-laying road surface and pavement surface at end of Montgomery Street
- Assess the implications on Lorne and Leith Walk Primary's Active Travel Plans and daily knock-on
- Road Safety Audit briefing for ward cllrs and TEC members
- Explore potential locations for additional street trees to replace planters such as at binhub build outs)
- Road safety improvements to be considered / explored as part of re-opening Brunswick Street (ie is within budget)
- Explore bicycle parking on binhub build outs
- Explore bollards in 2x locations after a walk down Leith Walk with Network Enforcement and Placemaking
- Footway widening between Middlefield and Pilrig Street to be explored
Councillor Caldwell said “On top of the above list I've pushed for at the Council's Transport and Environment committee, I will continue to liaise with the Council about other defects such as broken paving slabs and incorrect markings on the ground.”